We also provide tax consulting service to individuals, especially for high income earners. We are specialised in areas such as negative gear with investment properties and share investment, salary package etc.
If you use our service for preparation and lodgment of your tax return, you will enjoy a free session (40 minutes) of consulting.
We also provide a free information session (30 minutes) for potential clients before their decided to engage our services.
“Liability limitedby a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”
Please contact us by using one of the following methods:
Wechat ID: GH-ZHU-AD
Telephone: 08 7080 3287
Mobile phone: 0433 037 039
Email: george@atimeconsulting.com.au
Visit our office: Level 3, Suite 5, 68 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Or filling the below form: